===== DateChanger ===== ==== Description ==== Lets you change the publish date for (new) entries. Therefore, it adds the edit interface with a date drop down menu. This plugin only works for //new// entries. Once published, the date cannot be changed again! ===== Download ===== [[https://codeload.github.com/flatpressblog/flatpress-extras/zip/3c237b8f352aa124fadf2bda41ce0f3e1e082d8c|DateChanger 1.0.2]] if FlatPress ≤ 1.2.1 See also: https://github.com/flatpressblog/flatpress-extras/tree/master/fp-plugins/datechanger **Support** Please ask for help on the [[https://forum.flatpress.org/viewtopic.php?t=491|FlatPress Forum]]