====== Standard Plugins ====== The following plugins are included with the FlatPress core distribution. [[res:plugins|There are also a lot plugins contributed by the community!]] Many plugins provide [[doc:techfaq#what_is_a_widget|widgets]] and/or add new elements to the [[doc:plugins:bbcode|BBCode]] markup. | **Plugin name** | **Description** | **Active by default** | | [[doc:plugins:accessibleantispam|Accessible Antispam]] | Antispam asking to answer a simple math question. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:adminarea|AdminArea]] | Provides the Admin Area - and a widget with useful admin and login/logout links. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:archives|Archives]] | Adds an Archive widget element that shows the blog history in years and months. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:bbcode|BBCode]] | Allows you to use BBCode markup. Contains a range of markup elements such as images, links, and many more. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:blockparser|BlockParser]] | Creates widgets from static pages. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:calendar|Calendar]] | Provides a widget with a calendar displaying the blog history. | ⬜ | | [[doc:plugins:categories|Categories]] | Allows to create categories for your entries. Adds a widget that displays the categories. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:commentcenter|Comment Center]] | Manage your blog's comments: Set policies, publish or reject comments. Optional spam detection via [[http://akismet.com/|Akismet]]. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:cookiebanner|CookieBanner]] | Displays a discreet banner. | ⬜ | | [[doc:plugins:datechanger|DateChanger]] | Allows to set a custom date and time for new entries. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:emoticons|Emoticons]] | Allows use of emoticons. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:favicon|FavIcon]] | Adds a global (theme-independent) favicon to your blog. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:feed|RSS and Atom Feed]] | Adds a widget with links to the RSS and Atom feed. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:footnotes|FootNotes]] | Enables footnotes in your entries. | ⬜ | | [[doc:plugins:fpprotect|FlatPress Protect]] | Protect your blog with additional fetures in the HTTP response header. | ⬜ | | [[doc:plugins:gallerycaptions|Gallery captions]] | Manages image captions for gallery images. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:jquery|jQuery]] | Provides [[https://jquery.com/|jQuery]] and [[http://jquery.com/|jQueryUI]] locally. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:lastcomments|LastComments]] | Adds a widget that shows the latest comments. | ⬜ | | [[doc:plugins:lastcommentsadmin|LastComments Admin]] | Manages the cache of the LastComments plugin. Requires LastComment plugin enabled. | ⬜ | | [[doc:plugins:lastentries|LastEntries]] | Adds a widget that lists the latest entries. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:lightbox2|LightBox2]] | Provides Lightbox overlays using [[http://www.digitalia.be/software/slimbox2|SlimBox 2]]. Requires jQuery plugin enabled. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:mediamanager|Media Manager]] | Manage uploaded files and photo galleries. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:photoswipe|PhotoSwipe]] | Displays images and galleries with [[http://photoswipe.com/|PhotoSwipe]]. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:postviews|PostViews]] | Counts and displays entry views. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:prettyurls|PrettyURLs]] | Enables SEO friendly, pretty URLs (via htaccess). | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:qspam|QuickSpamFilter]] | Block comments by "bad" words. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:readmore|ReadMore]] | Chops lengthy entries in the overview and appends a "Read more" link. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:searchbox|SearchBox]] | Adds a search box widget. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:seometataginfo|SEO Meta Tag Info]] | Allows editing of SEO meta tags description, keywords and robots for Entries, Statics and Categories. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:support|Support]] | Shows support data in the Maintain menu. | ✅ | | [[doc:plugins:thumb|Thumbnails]] | Creates thumbnails for uploaded images. | ✅ |