====== Tips and Guides ====== Find answers to specific technical questions here. (Looking for [[doc:basic|the basics]] instead?)\\ For more general information about FlatPress, please see the [[doc:techfaq|Tech FAQ]]. ===== General technical information ===== * [[doc:tech:fileformats|Internal format of the content files]] * [[doc:variables|Variables used by FP]] [ [[sp:doc:variables|sp]] ] * [[doc:fp-debug-mode|FlatPress Debug mode]] ===== Plugins ===== * [[doc:tips:entry_views_in_the_lastentries_plugin|Adding the number of views to the LastEntries plugin]] ===== Themes and Templates ===== * [[doc:thememinihowto|How to create new themes]] * Quick tip: Use static pages as a widgets with the [[doc:plugins:blockparser|BlockParser plugin]] * [[doc:tips:widgets|Detailled tip: How to use widgets]] * [[doc:tips:sharebuttons|How to add social media share buttons]] * [[doc:tips:adddisqus|How to add Disqus comment system]] * [[doc:tips:WEBSHAREapi|How to share your posts and static pages using webshareAPI]] * [[doc:tips:top-and-bottombar|To create a header and footer bar in the Leggero-v2 style for widgets.]] * [[doc:tips:adding-google-search|Adding Google search to a FlatPress theme]] * [[doc:tips:Change-the-output-of-the-RSS-or-Atom-feed|Change the output of the RSS or Atom feed]] ==== Upgrading your plugins and themes to work with FlatPress 1.3 ==== * [[doc:tips:smarty2to4]] ===== Misc ===== * [[doc:tips:randomentry|How to link to a random entry]] * [[doc:tips:newsfeed|How to share your entries via news feed]] * [[doc:tips:characterreplacement|How to disable character replacement]] * [[doc:tips:dateformat|Default format for Date]] * [[doc:tips:timeformat|Default format for Time]]