====== DateChanger alternative ======
Lets you change creation date/time for new entries only.
Works as alternative for the [[res:plugins:datechanger|FlatPress DateChanger Plugin]] and adds a calendar widget.
==== Description====
== v 1.0 ==
Added HTML Markup for better view\\
New languages: Portuguese and Spanish\\
Default language portuguese, see readme.txt to change it\\
Tested: FlatPress 1.2.1 and FlatPress Dev (branch responsiveadmin)
by [[https://fabianosantosnet.github.io/FlatPressCMS/ | @fabianosantosnet ]]
== v 0.9 ==
Just, debug and modified DateChanger alternate for FlatPress 1.1 (Da capo)\\
Supported languages: Japanese, Italian and English.
by [[https://nhws.localinfo.jp/ | NORTH HILL WORK STUDIO]]
==== Download ====
[[https://git.fabianosantos.net/download/flatpress/plugins/datechangeralternative | Date Changer Alternative 1.0 ]]\\
[[https://hfj.sakura.ne.jp/dl/datechanger0.9.zip| datechanger0.9.zip]]