===== Entrylist =====
Author: [[https://www.pierov.org/|Piero VDFN]]
==== Description ====
The plugin adds the BBCode tag "Entrylist". Requires the [[doc:plugins:standard#bbcode|BBCode]] plugin.
It allows to list the entries of the blog.
**Tip:**\\ The plugin does not include a widget. However, you can create a static page and then use the BlockParser plugin to place it as a widget in the menu column.
These are it options:
''y=YY'' list the entries for the year YY.
''m=MM'' list the entryes for the month MM. Y param is required.
''d=DD'' list the entries fot the day DD. Y and m are required.
''yformat'' the format for the year. It is in the form of //date_modifier//.
''mformat'' the format for the month. It is in the form of //date_modifier//.
''dformat'' the format for the day. It is in the form of //date_modifier//.
''link=[on/off]'' the title should be also a link?
''sort=[asc/desc]'' the sorting for entries: asc is ascending, desc is descending. Asc is the default value.
''noentries'' if there aren’t entries, what should output
==== Example ====
**Entrylist for the whole year 2023**
[entrylist y=23]
**If there is no entry in the whole year 2024, then issue message "none at home"**
[entrylist y=24 noentries="none at home"]
**Entrylist only for the month of January in year 2023**
[entrylist m=01 y=23]
**Entrylist only for day 12 in the month of January in year 2023**
[entrylist d=12 m=01 y=23]
**Entry list only for day 12 in the month of January in year 2023 without link to the post**
[entrylist d=12 m=01 y=23 link=off]
==== License ====
==== Download ====
{{ res:plugins:pierovdfn:entrylist1_0_2.zip |}}
===== Changelog =====
== 2025-02-26: Version 1.0.2 ==
* Compatibility with PHP 8.0+ established
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