===== FPStats ===== Web statistics plugin by [[https://sourceforge.net/u/mat_sf/profile/|Martin Debef (Mat)]], revived by [[https://frank-web.dedyn.io|Fraenkiman]] ==== Description ==== **Note:** The plugin stores in a csv file the complete public IP and user agent of the blog visitor. Check your country's privacy laws beforehand. Fpstats is Flatpress plugin providing some statistics about visitors of a blog. Functions: * date filters * raw data displaying * simple overview (all hits, unique hits per day) * browsers and operating systems in current month ==== Download ==== {{:res:plugins:mat:fpstats0_3_3.zip|}} Not compatible with PHP8.X ==== Screenshot ==== Visitor statistics as bar chart\\ {{:res:plugins:mat:fpstats.png?606|Visitor statistics as bar chart}} **Support** Please ask for help on the [[https://forum.flatpress.org/viewtopic.php?t=502|FlatPress Forum]] === Changelog: === == 2023-01-15 (V0.3.3) == * Update [[https://github.com/AJRepo/PHPlot|PHPlot]] to v6.2.0 == 2023-01-12 (V0.3.2) == * Derusted for fp-1.3.dev/ smarty 4 :-)