===== Spoiler Tags ===== Author: [[https://www.clockworkknight.com|Tongara]], revised by [[https://frank-web.dedyn.io|Fraenkiman]] ==== Description ==== This plugin makes it possible to hide content in spoiler tags and requires the [[doc:plugins:standard#bbcode|BBCode]] plugin. Example: [spoiler]Hidden conntent inside the spoiler tag[/spoiler] {{:res:plugins:tongara:spoiler_close.png?100|}} {{:res:plugins:tongara:spoiler_open.png?300|}} Example with spoiler title: [spoiler="Title of the spoiler"]Hidden conntent inside the spoiler tag[/spoiler] {{:res:plugins:tongara:spoiler_with_spoiler_title_opened.png?300|}} You can style the spoiler very easily by editing the //spoilertags.css// file found in the plugin's /res folder. The code uses HTML5's "
" and "" elements, making it very easy to create hidden content on websites. Example: details > summary { list-style-type: none; color: #B83C32; /* Colors of the font of the spoiler title */ font-weight: bold; /* Font style of the spoiler title */ text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } details > summary:hover { text-decoration: underline; } details > summary::before { /* === Image as expand sign; size is not scalable === */ content: url(../../../fp-plugins/spoilertags/img/expand_right.png); /* vertical-align: top; */ } details[open] > summary::before { /* === Image as expand sign; size is not scalable === */ content: url(../../../fp-plugins/spoilertags/img/expand_down.png); /* vertical-align: top; */ } details { display: block; /* Do not deactivate */ padding: 5px; /* === Framing of the hidden content inside the spoiler tag === */ border: #ccc solid 1px; border-radius: 3px; } details:hover { /* === Framing of the hidden content inside the spoiler tag === */ border: #999 solid 1px; } details[open] > summary { margin-bottom: 5px; /* === italic font of spoiler title when expanded === */ font-style: italic; } ==== Demo ==== [[https://www.clockworkknight.com/flat/?x=entry:entry200306-031247|]] ==== Download ==== {{ res:plugins:tongara:spoilertags1_0_3.zip |}} **Support** Please ask for help on the [[https://forum.flatpress.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=129|FlatPress Forum]] === Changelog: === == 2022-12-18 (V1.0.3) == * Added: css-file v0.2 with some design examples == 2022-12-14 (V1.0.2) == * Fixed: The plugin crashes when the BBCode plugin is not enabled. Thanks to Arvid for the hint == 2022-10-15 (V1.0.1) == * Added polyfill-JavaScript for IE and Edge in the body * Added Instructions