===== SyntaxHighlighter-NG ===== Author: [[https://deltalima.org|DeltaLima]] ==== Description ==== Makes [code] blocks syntax highlighted (when language specified) with [[https://prismjs.com|prism.js]] By default the "small-size" prism.js language support is enabled. This contains following supported language tags by default: markup, css, clike, javascript, apacheconf, arduino, atom, bash, basic, batch, bbcode, c, cpp, cmake, csv, diff, docker, git, go, html, http, ini, java, json, log, makefile, markdown, markup-templating, nginx, pascal, perl, php, powershell, python, rss, ruby, shell-session, sql, svg, typescript, vbnet, visual-basic, wiki, yaml, xml See [[https://prismjs.com/#supported-languages|prismjs.com#supported-languages]] for the corresponding "[code=]"-tags and the full list of languages which are supported in the full package, you can configure as well. ==== Example ==== ** no syntax highlightning ** [code]Just plain text e.g.[/code] {{:res:plugins:screenshot_2023-06-21_at_11-05-32_deltalima.org_syntaxhighlighter-ng_testpage.png|}} ** PHP code block** [code=php][/code] {{:res:plugins:screenshot_2023-06-21_at_11-05-38_deltalima.org_syntaxhighlighter-ng_testpage.png}} ** apache config block** [code=apacheconf] Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from .foo.com [/code] {{:res:plugins:screenshot_2023-06-21_at_11-05-43_deltalima.org_syntaxhighlighter-ng_testpage.png}} ==== Configuration ==== You can configure the prism.js package size to use (tiny, small, full) and the used theme (coy, dark, default, funky, okaidia, solarizedlight, tomorrow, twilight). Just edit for that config.php ==== Download ==== [[https://git.la10cy.net/attachments/f5e4241b-2dbd-4b3d-9b16-d64b2e2bc691|syntaxhighlighter-ng_v1.0.3.zip]] or get the [[https://git.la10cy.net/DeltaLima/flatpress-plugin-syntaxhighlighter-ng/|latest main branch from git.la10cy.net]] For users of the FlatPress-Leggero theme: {{ res:plugins:deltalima:syntaxhighlighter-ng_v1.0.3-fp.zip |}} ==== Demo ==== [[https://deltalima.org/blog/index.php/syntaxhighlighter-ng-testpage/]] ==== Support ==== Please ask for help on the [[https://forum.flatpress.org/viewtopic.php?t=665|FlatPress Forum]]