===== Jacutinga Theme for FlatPress CMS by fabianosantosnet ===== {{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fabianosantosnet/rep-flatpress/main/themes/jacutinga/screenshot.jpg?500}} ==== Description ==== This is based on the 2022 Theme. --v1.0\\ Dark blue, light blue, black and gray theme with two columns, but with several changes. It supports widgets with a menu at the top and a sidebar on the left, in addition, a separate category, archive, tag and home page that can be customized has been implemented and also new hooks: beforeHTML, insideHTMLHeader (right after wp_head), beforeContainer and rightAfterContainer . Portuguese and English language implemented (for other languages, copy the eng file and customize it). When using a subdomain, if the folders are different from 'blog' or 'flatpress', change the file "index.tpl" on line 57. In the configuration file "__init.tpl" there are several commented variables that can help anyone who wants to change/customize the theme. == Works on == -- Flatpress 1.2.1 -- Flatpress 1.3 but doesn't show the side menu ==== Download ==== [[https://git.fabianosantos.net/download/flatpress/temas/jacutinga|v1.0 lasted]]