Here you will find the right solution for different error cases.
Grant the directory fp-content/ the access rights (File permissions 0666, Directory permissions 0777). By default, the owner is www-data.
Hint: FileZilla is a great free FTP tool for this task.
Here is the recommended procedure if the theme, the FlatPress design, is displayed incorrectly.
If the theme continues to display incorrectly, check if the problem is reproducible with another device. If the problem is reproducible with another device, we would be happy if you let us know in the forum or on GitHub.
Here is the recommended course of action if some or all pages of the FlatPress blog are not displayed. You might see the following:
Carry out the following actions one after the other and check after each action if the problem has been solved.
If the problem persists and you were unable to perform some actions because you are not hosting yourself, other causes may be the hosting provider.
My self-created static page or entry has the wrong date/time.
Carry out the following actions one after the other and check after each action whether the problem has been resolved.
) is entered in php.ini.Note 1: FlatPress cannot distinguish between winter and summer time. Either the web server takes over this task or you have to correct the time offset in the admin area in the Configuration menu → International settings.
Note 2: If the entry was initially saved as a draft and is only published later, this entry will bear the date/time when the draft was saved. (#66)
If the problem persists and you were unable to perform some actions because you are not hosting yourself, other causes may be the hosting provider.
You will not receive an email if it was sent through the contact form, someone commented on a post, or a comment needs to be approved by you.
Perform the following steps one after the other and check after each action the problem has been resolved.
Create a new php file with the following content:
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); $recipient = ""; $subject = "Subject with non-ASCII characters: ÖöÄäÜüó¿¡á"; $from = "From: Sender <>"; $text = "The e-mail was sent successfully"; mail($recipient, '=?utf-8?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=', $text, $from); echo "Test email sent"; ?>
Now upload the php-file to your web server. Adjust ownership and access rights if necessary. Now open the php-file in the browser. Ideally, you should see the text “Test email sent” – that’s all. Now check if the test e-mail has been delivered to your mail server.
Emails sent directly from the PHP mailer easily end up as unauthenticated emails in spam or are not forwarded by mail servers or are sorted out as suspected spam.
It can also happen that the web server (e.g. shared web hosting) is hosted on FlatPress and is blacklisted for email.
By default, e-mail accounts with freemail providers are pre-configured so that only webmail is possible – no e-mail clients.
Many free mail providers (e.g. GMX, Yahoo) prevent forwarding if there is another e-mail address as the sender in the e-mail header.
The possible cause is the subject, which itself already represents a header and only accepts and interprets ASCII characters. All characters deviating from this (umlauts, special characters, etc.) are output as unreadable symbols and characters. An incorrectly formatted subject is also very often judged as spam by the receiving (or even the sending) mail server and is not accepted or not sent at all.
This article is currently being edited. It describes the measures in a simplified way and will be refined in the future .