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Snoods Theme by Mukkamu, ported by Marcoverga


A 3 column theme with black and orange colors. The widgets bar are both on the right side, but they are still called right and left, so you won't have problems! Only remember to “reset” them if you change style =).

The link bar under the header is only a list of links. Simple edit “links.tpl” to make changes you need; if you don't want links, don't erase the file, but empty it!

how about a custom widgetgroup?

{widgets pos=topbar} $content {/widgets}

and in topbar putting a blockparser:topbar where topbar is a static page with a [list] — Edoardo Vacchi 2007/11/15 14:24

I have “cleaned” the css, erasing the useless lines (tested with IE7 and Firefox 2 and everything works!). I hope that everything will work fine! If you encounter problems let me know!

Please, don't remove the link to the original author in the footer!!!


Seems not to work with 1.2. NOT working with 1.3.

Download (old version)

Snood Vivace Version Updated again: I've corrected some link that was wrong. Now it should be totally correct! Enjoy it!