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Plugin Name: emoticons
Plugin URI:
Description: Adds emoticons to FlatPress
Author: NoWhereMan
Version: 1.0
Author URI:
	put your imgs in FP_CONTENT/emoticons/
	(tipically FP_CONTENT is fp-content/ )
define('EMOTICONS_DIR', BLOG_BASEURL . FP_CONTENT . 'emoticons/');
/* now please notice how I follow this naming convention: */
function plugin_emoticons_filter($string) {
	static $EMOTICONS = array(
		':)'	=> 'smile.gif', // of course format can be whatever; I use PNGs
		':('	=> 'sad.gif',	// these are the images you have in fp-content/emoticons/
		':-)'	=> 'smile.gif',	// you can put multiple shortcuts for the same
		// etc etc
	foreach ($EMOTICONS as $emo => $img) {
		$string = str_replace(
			" $emo ",	/* 	replace one of the codes defined above,
							when *sourrounded by spaces* */
			"<img src=\"{$ed}{$img}\" class=\"emoticon\" alt=\"{$emo}\" />", /* with the <img> tag
 											.emoticon class can be styled as you prefer in your css */
        return $string;
  /* and now, don't forget to register to the hook */
add_filter(	'the_content',	'plugin_emoticons_filter'	);
         /* if you want it in comments too */
add_filter(	'comment_text',	'plugin_emoticons_filter'		);
res/plugins/nowhereman/emoticons.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/12 17:53 by

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