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Markdown Plugin

Author: Vasily Polovnyov, revised by Fraenkiman


Provides Markdown with MarkdownExtra markup in posts and comments.

It is safe to use markdown in comments, because plugin uses to strip down all potentially dangerous content within HTML.

Markdown can process HTML as is. That’s why you don’t need to disable BBcode plugin.


When the plugin is activated, both BBCode and Markdown syntax will be parsed:

[b]This is bold (by BBCode)[/b]<br>
**And this also is (by Markdown)**


This is bold (by BBCode)
And this also is (by Markdown)


Markdown syntax

Headers (Setext)

This is an H1 

This is an H2 

Headers (atx)

# This is an H1 

## This is a H2 

###### This is a H6 

# This is a H1 # 

## This is a H2 ## 

### This is a H3 ###### 


> This is a two paragraph quote. The customer should be very satisfied, 
> consectetuer adipiscing elit. I have decided to 
a policeman. Vestibulum enim visi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet 
> vitae, risus. 
Until then, it will be fun. Some people always want to be very happy. 
> Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing. 

> This is a two paragraph quote It is important to have good customer service, 
a customer service provider. I decided to use a policeman. 
For the vestibule, we saw: Viverra nec, Fringilla in, Laoreet vitae, 

> Until it's fun to play. Some people always want to be very happy. 
Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing. 

> Today is the first day Quote level. 
> > This is a nested quote 
Back to the first level 

> ## This is a headline 
> 1. this is the first list item. 
> 2. this is the second list item 
> Here is a small example code: 
> return shell_exec("echo $input | $Markdown_script"); 


* Red 
* Green 
* Blue 

+ Red 
+ green 
+ Blue 

- red 
- green 
- blue 

1. dog 
2. cat 
3. mouse 

* Lorem ipsum dolor let amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. 
  I decided to use a policeman. For the vestibule we have seen: 
  Viverra nec, Fringilla in, Laoreet vitae, Risus. 
* Until it's fun to play. Some people always want to be very happy. 
  Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing. 
* Warsteiner 
* King 

* Warsteiner 2 

* King 2 

1 This is a list item with two paragraphs. It is important to, 
  to have good customer service, a customer service provider. I decided to, 
  to use a policeman. 

  For the vestibule, we saw: Viverra nec, Fringilla in, Laoreet 
  vitae, Risus. Until then, it will be fun. 
  Some people always want to be very happy . 

2 Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.

* This is a two-paragraph list item. 

 This is the second paragraph in this list item. Only the 
first line must be indented It is important to have good customer service, 
a customer service provider. 

* Another item in the same list. 

* A list item with a quote: 
    > This is a quote 
    > In a list. 

* A list item with a code example: 
    <insert code here> 

Definition Lists

:   Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in 
    the family Rosaceae.

:   The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus. 

Simple tables

First Header  | Second Header
------------- | -------------
Content Cell  | Content Cell
Content Cell  | Content Cell

| First Header  | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  | 

A colon at the left of the separator line will make the column left-aligned; a colon on the right of the line will make the column right-aligned; colons at both side means the column is center-aligned.

| Item      | Value |
| --------- | -----:|
| Computer  | $1600 |
| Phone     |   $12 |
| Pipe      |    $1 | 
This is [an example]( "The link title") for an inline link. 
an inline link. 

[This link]( has no title attribute 

There is more information on the [About me](/about/) page. 

This is [an example] [id] for a reference link 
[id]: "Enter optional title here" 

[id]: <> "Optional title here"

[Link back to header 1](#header1) 


One text with a footnote[^1].
Second text with a footnote[^2].
[^1]: The footnote text can be placed at the end of the page.
[^2]: This footnote text can also be placed at the end of the page. 



*Single asterisk 

_Single underline_ 

**Double asterisks** 

__double underlines__ 


\*This text is enclosed by asterisks.\* 

*italics*, **bold** and ***bold italics*** or 
_italic_, __bold__ and ___bold italic___ 


This is a normal paragraph. 
    The tag is a code block. 

An example in AppleScript: 
    tell application "Foo" 
    end tell

Use the `printf()` function to output text 
``Somewhere here (`) a backtick is hidden.`` 

Nobody uses ``<blink>` tags

       echo "Hello";

This is a paragraph introducing:
a one-line code block

another code block

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .html
<p>paragraph <b>emphasis</b>

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.html #example-1}
<p>paragraph <b>emphasis</b>


[Alternative text](./fp-plugins/bbcode/res/toolbaricons/link.png) 

[Alternative text](./fp-plugins/bbcode/res/toolbaricons/link.png "Optional title") 

Backslash masking

\*Surrounded by asterisks\* 

Bulleted lists nested in a numbered list

1. fruit 
    * Apple 
    * Banana 
2. vegetable 
    - carrot 
    - broccoli 


Please ask for help on the FlatPress Forum


2024-02-10 (V1.2.3)
  • added CSS for simple tables and footnotes
  • update doc_markdown.txt
2024-01-21 (V1.2.2)
  • Contains the latest SmartyPants Lib 1.8.1 and Markdown 2.0.0
res/plugins/markdown.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/11 14:56 by fraenkiman

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