[img=myimg] my caption [/img]
all the conventional img attributes should work (scale=nn% etc.)
to link the image to an external resource do not wrap the [img][/img] into a [url][/url] but use instead the url attribute of the extended img tag :
[img=myimg.jpg url=] caption [/img]
to customize behaviour define .floatright .floatleft .center in your CSS, here's an example
.floatleft { float:left; padding-right:10px; text-align:left; } .floatright { float:right; padding-left:10px; text-align:right; } .center { text-align:center; } .img-container { font-size: small; font-style:italic; font-family: serif; } .img-container p { margin-top: 0; }
there is finally an align= attribute which forces the container to left|right|center align the text of the img container
have fun!
<?php /* Plugin Name: Extended IMG tag Version: 1.0 Plugin URI: Description: Allows using extends [img] tag to allow the syntax [img=myimg] caption [/img] (requires BBCode plugin) Author: NoWhereMan Author URI: */ function plugin_extendedimg_callback($action, $attr, $content, $params, $node_object) { if ($action=='validate') { return true; } $float = 'center'; if (@$attr['float']){ $float = 'float'.$attr['float']; unset($attr['float']); } $align = ''; if (@$attr['align']) { $align = ' style="text-align: '.$attr['align'] .'"'; } $class = ''; $url = ''; if (@$attr['url']) { $attr['popup'] = false; $url = wp_specialchars($attr['url']) ; $class = strpos($url, ':/')!== false ? ' externlink': ' '; } $img = do_bbcode_img($action, $attr, $content, $params, null); if ($url) $img = "<a href=\"$url\">$img</a>"; return '<div class="img-container '.$float.$class.'" '.$align.'>' . "<p>$img</p>\n\n{$content}\n\n</div>"; } function &plugin_extendedimg_init() { static $bbcode; if ($bbcode) return $bbcode; $bbcode = new StringParser_BBCode (); // If you set it to false the case-sensitive will be ignored for all codes $bbcode->setGlobalCaseSensitive (false); $bbcode->setMixedAttributeTypes(true); $bbcode->addCode ( 'img', 'callback_replace', 'plugin_extendedimg_callback', array ('usecontent_param' => array ('default', 'float', 'alt', 'popup', 'width', 'height', 'title') ), 'image', array ('block', 'inline'), array ()); $bbcode->setCodeFlag ('img', 'closetag', BBCODE_CLOSETAG_MUSTEXIST); return $bbcode; } function plugin_extendedimg_parse($string) { $o = plugin_extendedimg_init(); return $o->parse($string); } add_filter('the_content', 'plugin_extendedimg_parse', 0); ?>
res/plugins/nowhereman/extendedimg.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/12 17:53 by