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MG12's sleek iNove Wordpress theme ported to Flatpress!

Recent major improvements by Zeuder (see his announcement here in the forum) include a proper menu bar, the background and the height of the sidebar. It now resembles the original even more.

This is a fixed-width theme. Caution: width over 900px, thus not very suitable for SVGA screens.

It might be a good idea to deactivate the search widget, as a search is already included into the header.

Any feedback and/or help/suggestions greatly appreciated. — Mechatroniker 2009/01/13 22:09

Revision History:

  • 2009-04-19: some more improvements.
  • 2009-04-17: updated to much better version by Zeuder
  • 2009-01-13: first release into publicity


Works with 1.2. Works with 1.3.


res/themes/inove.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/12 17:22 by eagleman

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