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Jacutinga Theme for FlatPress CMS by fabianosantosnet
This is based on the 2022 Theme.
Dark blue, light blue, black and gray theme with two columns, but with several changes.
It supports widgets with a menu at the top and a sidebar on the left, in addition, a separate category, archive, tag and home page that can be customized has been implemented and also new hooks: beforeHTML, insideHTMLHeader (right after wp_head), beforeContainer and rightAfterContainer .
Portuguese and English language implemented (for other languages, copy the eng file and customize it).
When using a subdomain, if the folders are different from 'blog' or 'flatpress', change the file “index.tpl” on line 57.
In the configuration file “__init.tpl” there are several commented variables that can help anyone who wants to change/customize the theme.
Works on
– Flatpress 1.2.1 – Flatpress 1.3 but doesn't show the side menu