Table of Contents
SEO Meta Tag Info
Editing and outputting description, keywords and robots meta tags for search engines
Meta tags are still very important for SEO (search engine optimization) and social media posting. For example, if you don't have the description meta tag for your blog post, Facebook won't display the page description. This makes these tags crucial for any blog.
Plugin Features
- Single Entries - Editing and output of description, keywords, and robots meta tags
- Static pages - Editing and output of description, keywords, and robots meta tags (see the instructions for integration on static pages)
- Categories - Output of description, keywords, and robots meta tags
- Archives - Output of description, keywords, and robots meta tags
- Tags - Output of description, keywords, and robots meta tags
- Canonical - Output of the canonical meta tag (selectable)
- Title - Output of pretty titles for categories, archives, and tags pages (selectable)
- Title - Output of the title meta tag (selectable)
- Tries to make pages unique by appending ‘page #nn’ or ‘comments’ to titles and descriptions
Integration on static pages if FlatPress ≤ 1.2.1
In order for this plugin to be able to edit metadata on static pages, the file admin.static.write.tpl in the directory /admin/panels/static/ must be modified.
Look for clue {*here will go a plugin hook*}
in about line 42
and place the following code below it:
{action hook=simple_edit_form}
. Then it should look like this:
... rows="20" cols="74">{$content|default:$smarty.request.content|htmlspecialchars}</textarea><br /> {*here will go a plugin hook*} {action hook=simple_edit_form} {* <<<<<========== ADDED SEO Metatag Info <<<<<========== *} </p> ...
More plugin configuration switches and their description can be found directly in the plugin.seometataginfo.php file and in the Hubert’s World archived page.