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Having problems with FlatPress or its plugins?
Do not hesitate to call for help on the FlatPress Support Forum!

This is a listing of user-contributed plugins. If you are looking for the plugins from the FlatPress standard distribution, click here.

For plugin authors

If you have written or improved a plugin or widget for flatpress that you would like to share, then please submit it on this page. Therefore, just add a new row to the overview table. Just copy and paste an existing row and edit its contents.

Please keep the entries in alphabetical order. Thank you for supporting Flatpress!

Also, see this guide on how to get your plugin FlatPress 1.3 ready.

FlatPress standard plugins

These plugins are being shipped with the FlatPress download package: List of standard plugins

FlatPress extra plug-ins

More plugins maintained by the FlatPress project that are not in the download package.

Plugin Description Ready for FP 1.3
Download Counter Adds a BBCode “download” tag with a link to the file to download and a counter for how many times the file has been downloaded. :-)
FrontPage Set a default category to display on the front page :-)
Markdown Provides Markdown markup in posts. :-)
MoreOnBlog Widget The widget displays links to the other random posts on the blog. :-)
SyntaxHighlighter-NG This plugin makes [code] blocks syntax highlighted with prism.js :-)
Tag Plugin Allows using tags in FlatPress :-)

Community-contributed plugins

Plugins made by other FlatPress users!

Plugin Description Author Ready for FP 1.3
Audio and video player Provides simple players for audio and video files. Arvid Zimmermann :-)
CKEditor 4 CKEditor 4 is a powerful WYSIWYG HTML editor. Fraenkiman :-)
CookieGuard The plugin displays a banner that informs the visitor about the use of cookies. mirai-online :-)
CountPages In admin area show number of entries, drafts, and statics. Robert Riebisch :-)
CSS Accordion I created a plug-in with CSS that turns the display on and off like an accordion that you often see. [JP]アコーディオン風に表示がON/OFFになるプラグインをCSSで作成しました. NORTH HILL WORK STUDIO :-)
DateChanger (alternative) Works as alternative for the DateChanger Plugin, adds a calendar widget (update v1.0). NORTH HILL WORK STUDIO :-(
Dynamic fade-in Dynamic delayed display of the head and the outer-container depending on the connection type and visitor status Fraenkiman :-)
Entry Cover Add a cover image to each of your blog entries. Francisco Arocas :?:
Entrylist Allows to list the entries of the blog. Piero VDFN :-)
FontSizeSelect Lets your visitors change the font size. NORTH HILL WORK STUDIO :-)
Captcha Simple but effective captcha plugin Stanley, italian translation by Giacomo Margarito :-)
FPstats Shows some statistics about visitors of a blog Martin Debef (Mat) :-)
GDPR Video embed Simple two-click solution for GDPR-compliant embedding of YouTube and Vimeo videos. Fraenkiman :-)
Go Top and Scroll Indicator Shows a scrolling progress bar and a Go Top button. Fraenkiman :-)
GPX Viewer Displays uploaded GPS tracks on a map Arvid Zimmermann :-)
Inlinephp Allows execution of arbitrary php code from pages Plugin by ChrisBlank :?:
Internal URLs Adds BBCode tags for links to static pages and entries Piero VDFN :-)
Mobile Sets a different theme for visitors with mobile devices Piero VDFN :?:
Parsedown Parsedown is an efficient, modern PHP implementation of Markdown syntax. Fraenkiman :-)
Privacy Policy Activates a reference to the privacy policy. Fraenkiman :-)
Random quotes It displays a random quote on static pages and blog post entries using the shortcode `[random-quote]`. Sean Boal :-)
reCaptcha v3 Anti-spam with Google reCaptcha v3 service. NORTH HILL WORK STUDIO :-)
Spoiler Tags This plugin makes it possible to hide content in spoiler tags. Tongara :-)
Webfonts Provides the Google Web Fonts Open Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans Mono, Ubuntu Mono and Playfair Display and Font Awesome Free v6 Icons on your web server. Fraenkiman :-)
Webshare-API Adds webshare button in single posts using the [webshare] tag or as widget. Fraenkiman :-)
res/plugins.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/03 23:12 by fraenkiman

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